Daffodil Competition
- Year 6 trip to The Imperial War Museum
- The Diamond Club
- Carnival
- Anglo-Saxon Workshop
- Life Space
- Names for Remembrance
- Rosary
- PSA Meeting for all parents and carers
- Coffee Morning With Our Speech and Language Therapist
- Harvest Festival Celebration
- Carnival Next Friday
- Last Rosary of the Month
- Africa; My Story
- Black History Month Assembly
- Mini Vinnies Commissioning Mass
- Coffee Morning
- The Month of the Holy Rosary
- Online Safety Workshop
- Secondary Transfer
- Harvest Festival
- October Rosary
- St George’s Cathedral School’s Mass
- Jeans for Genes Fundraising Total
- Black History Month
- Breck Foundation Parent Online Session
- Buddy Assembly
- Year 6 Theatre Trip to Hamlet
- Breck Foundation
- Lewisham Youth Theatre
- Jeans for Genes