Holy Cross is 50!
On Monday we had the most wonderful day celebrating the School’s 50th birthday. It began with a special Mass, when the whole community came together in thanksgiving for the many years of learning, growth and faith that has shaped Holy Cross into the School it is today. During the Mass we reflected on the amazing journey that the School has been on and we offered prayers for all the pupils, staff, parents, governors and Parish Priests both past and present. We gave thanks to all those, who over the years, have contributed to its success; especially Father Fagan and all those parishioners who gave so generously to enable the doors to open 50 years ago, to 86 very lucky children. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Father Antony, Father Doug and Father Regis who made the Mass so special. I was very grateful that many could join us for this memorable occasion, including Shelia Dunn the very first Headteacher of Holy Cross, and it was a joy to see old friends catching up over a cup of tea and slice of cake afterwards. Holy Cross is a special family and I feel so blessed to be a part of it.

- PSA Cinema Evening
- Young Voices
- Parish Coffee Morning
- Book Fair
- Year 3 Trip to Beckenham Place Park
- Other Faiths Week
- Year 4 Class Assembly – Anglo-Saxons
- Academic Review Day
- PSA Meeting
- Parents Mental Health Day
- Kurling Competition
- Educational Psychologist Workshop
- London’s Burning
- Academic Review Day
- Parenting Support Workshop
- Holy Cross is 50!
- School’s 50th Birthday
- Christmas Jumper Day and Cake Sale
- Parenting Support Workshop
- Our Mini Vinnies supporting Macmillan Cancer Support
- A Miracle in Town
- A Christmas Celebration
- Christingle
- Science at St Ursula’s School for Girls
- School Council Gate Greeters
- A Message from Holy Cross Playgroup
- Nursery Trip to see Dear Zoo
- PSA Meeting
- Year 5 Class Assembly
- Friendship Week