School Council Gate Greeters
You might have noticed some new additions during the beginning and the end of the day at the School gates. These children are members of our School Council and they will be helping to welcome you into School each day, please say hello to them. I think you will agree that they are doing a magnificent job!
- Christingle
- Year 6 Class Assembly World War II
- Science at St Ursula’s School for Girls
- School Council Gate Greeters
- Year 5 Class Assembly
- Year 6 trip to The Imperial War Museum
- Harvest Liturgy Celebration
- The Diamond Club
- Carnival
- Anglo-Saxon Workshop
- Life Space
- Lewisham Youth Theatre
- Buddy Assembly
- Open dates for Prospective Parents and Carers
- Reception Class Assembly
- Mini Vinnie Mass at St George’s Catherdral
- The Crowning of Mary
- Passion Play
- Oscar Romero Award
- School Journey to Kingswood
- KS 1 Nativity
- Christingle
- Year 6 Bikeability Training
- Outstanding Day