Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Year 3

Mr G Parker
Class Teacher

Mrs S. Stoneham
PPA Cover
Mrs F Power
Teaching Assistant

In Year 3 we are as much committed to our learning and academic success as we are to the well being and achievements of our friends and peers. Our academic work is intertwined with ongoing PSHE activities that not only challenge and extend our ways of thinking about the world, but also foster a sense of community and respect for others.

All our work aims to incorporate a balance of clear but challenging academic goals with a celebration of personal and peer achievement. 

 In Year 3 we are always positive, building on our success in order to stretch ourselves further. 

Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Summer Term 2024

Curriculum Intent

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is a unique and special place where our faith is at the heart of all we do. Our children     learn to live the Gospel values of love, forgiveness and peace.  Within our federation of Aspire London we use the National Curriculum and believe that our children deserve for it to be tailored to their needs.  With this in mind we have prioritised the things we want our children to enjoy, experience and remember during their time with us. 

Our curriculum at Aspire London has a set of ‘drivers’ developed from the deep knowledge of the pupils and their families within our School community.

The drivers which shape our curriculum ensure we give our pupils aspirational opportunities throughout their primary school years.  We provide our children with the wealth of knowledge required to be informed and thoughtful members of our community and wider world.  The breadth of our curriculum encourages pupils to be ambitious, develop an inquiring mind and a life-long love of learning.

Curriculum Drivers

Significant People:
Aspire London will:

Develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world and people, past and present, who shape it
Provide identifiable role models to raise ambition and aspiration

Aspire London will:

Immerse the children in the historically rich and diverse nature of London
Give pupils an understanding of the positive impact of migration and a cultural appreciation of our community

Equality & Justice:
Aspire London will:

Empower pupils to be advocates who address issues of prejudice and discrimination
Ensure pupils value fairness and resolve differences through positive discussion
Environmental Responsibility:
Aspire London will:

Educate children of the need to protect God’s planet from environmental damage
Create eco- friendly citizens who are aware of the impact of their individual actions and those of the wider world.    

Summer Term 2024


Our main texts this term will be The Village That Vanished, Jeremy Button and Clockwork. We will also read a number of traditional tales in order help recognise their structure, before planning, writing and editing our own versions. We will identify the features of adverts and look at examples of persuasive writing. We will look at the structure and language of writing chronological and of non-chronological reports. Our writing will be enriched by the regular inclusion of a range of different punctuation devices, complex sentences, different aspects of grammar and speech. Most of us should have graduated to writing with a pen, forming our letters with a cursive, joined up script. Reading will continue on a daily basis, as will phonics and spelling work. We will also explore poems, interviews and play scripts.

We will begin the Summer term by revisiting our work on fractions. We will then move on to measuring time, using analogue and digital clocks. We will find times one hour / ten minutes / five minutes earlier and later. We will measure the duration of events, and compare different lengths of time. We will begin to use the 24-hour clock. After that, we will move on to working more fully with 2D and 3D shapes, exploring geometry. We will recognise the different terms used to describe the properties of different shapes. We will recognise lines of symmetry, horizontal, vertical and perpendicular lines. We will begin to measure obtuse and acute angles using protractors. Our final topic will be Capacity. We will measure liquids using millilitres and litres. We will recognise and compare different scales, both for volume and capacity, and for measuring weight.

We will be studying Easter and Pentecost to know how the Church celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and how we can also celebrate this wonderful event. We will learn about the change in the apostles following Pentecost and reflect on times we need the help of the Holy Spirit.
We will also learn about Being a Christian, what this involves for us and how we can learn from the teachings of Jesus to help us in our lives. We will learn about the sacraments and how through these we receive Jesus’ love for us. We will reflect on the importance of prayer and understand different ways of praying.

In our study of Forces and Magnets children will investigate the forces of gravity and compare movement on different surfaces. We will look at how some forces require contact between two objects but that magnetic objects can act at a distance. We will investigate magnetic materials and describe magnets as having two poles.
Our topic of Light and Shadows will involve us learning about the sun and how it can be dangerous and we need to protect ourselves. We will identify a range of light sources and recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object. We will gain an understanding of why shadows can change in size.

In our exciting study of The Romans we will look at how the Roman Empire changed Britain and had a lasting impact. We will explore Roman food, health and diet and investigate the life of Ceasar Augustus.

We will be exploring different types of graph and understanding the differences between them and the usefulness of them in different situations.  We will also look at multimedia presentation software such as Powerpoint and understand the uses of these.

We will begin this term learning a variety of tennis skills, wiith lessons lead by a specialist tennis coach.
Gymnastics – children will learn how to create interesting body shapes while holding balances with control and confidence
Dance – children will earn to compare and adapt movements and motifs from different stimuli.
Athletics – children will focus on running, jumping, throwing, performing and evaluating.

We will be learning about printing and will focus our learning on Roman tiles comparing them to tiles today. We will learn about technique, vocabulary, knowledge and understanding.

We will make Roman mosaics using clay, glue and paint. We will first design our own mosaics, using a repeated pattern built up from a limited range of colours, drawing on our knowledge of Roman art. Then will transfer our design to clay, using small mosaic tiles.

In our weekly Music lessons children will learn about light and dark and plosive consonants. We will recognise the difference between 4/4- and 3/4-time signatures. We will learn about a range of music such as waltz and minuets.

In our topic Being My Best, we will look at the benefits of a balanced diet and general health and well-being issues. We will discuss medical and non-medical ways to treat illness. We will discuss the importance of celebrating achievements and look at how we are all different and have varied skill sets.
When studying our Growing and Changing topic we will look at the terms ‘secret’ and ‘surprise’. We will explore that these can both make us feel differently. We will reinforce that children can always ask for help if a secret makes them feel uncomfortable.

Summer Term Knowledge Organisers

Useful links:

For speech and language resources and advice and tips for parents working at home with children who have SLCN visit:


BBC Bitesize and Purple Mash are excellent resources for you to use. Click on the icon, have a look and see what you can learn!