Welcome to Our School
Miss Mary Collins
Executive Headteacher
of Aspire London
Mrs Catherine Mahony
Head of School
I would like to warmly welcome you to Holy Cross Catholic Primary School. We are a happy, successful and popular Catholic School committed to helping the children in our care achieve their true potential. We strive for excellence in all we do.
The children, their families our staff, governors and parishioners work hard to create a wonderful, supportive and thriving community in the heart of South East London. We offer a caring environment for all our children from Nursery to Year 6 where each child is nurtured, cherished and valued.
We are part of Aspire London, a federation of two local primary schools: Holy Cross and St Augustine’s. Together we work to provide our children with an exciting curriculum that embeds within them a life long love of learning.
Our pupils achieve well throughout the School. Our successes however, go far beyond test results. Our children are confident and happy. They are encouraged to challenge themselves, be resilient and to develop their skills and talents to be the very best they can. We celebrate every success and support every need.
The children of Holy Cross are children you can be proud of.
May God's love shine in our lives
as we care and share and learn together
Latest News
Kurling Competition
On Tuesday, 8 of our children represented Holy Cross in a Kurling competition against 12 other local schools. I was delighted to hear that we won the...
Educational Psychologist Workshop
We had a wonderful workshop yesterday with Amanda Davidson, an Educational Psychologist who works for Lewisham. The parents I spoke to after the sess...