Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

School Council

Our School Councillors 2024 – 2025

The role of the Holy Cross School Council is an important role and takes a lot of responsibility. The School Council takes an active role within the school, raising issues and ideas of their fellow students, discussing them at the School Council meetings and reporting back to their class. The pupils help to ensure that Holy Cross School is a safe and happy environment for pupils to learn in, making a difference for the better. 

The School Council visited The Lewisham Donation hub where they had a tour of the premises and discussed ways in which, we as a school, can help and support them.

Touring the Lewisham Donation Hub
Taking the job very seriously
Some of the School Council with Lewisham Hub Volunteers and our School Donations
Year 6 School Councillors talking in assembly about the great work of the Lewisham Donation Hub

The School Councillors are elected by their peers and includes a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and four additional members. A School Councillors term of office is for one school year.

A School Council Meeting in Progress
The Chair-Person Leads the Meeting