The Governing Body of Aspire London govern both Schools in our Federation, Holy Cross and St Augustine’s Catholic Primary Schools. The Governing Body is a strong team of dedicated and hard working volunteers and staff members who help with the strategic vision for our Federation.
Our Governing Body includes:
- The Executive Headteacher
- Ten foundation governors
- One member of staff
- Two parent governors
- One governor nominated by Lewisham
- Three co-opted governors
The governors of Aspire London are:
Executive Headteacher
Miss M Collins
Foundation Governors
Mrs T Nelson (Chair)
Ms J Fernandes
Mr O Folkes
Mr J Adewale
Ms G Quintyn-Williams (Vice-Chair)
Mrs H Santhokhy
Mrs E Galvelo
Fr Uduak
Staff Governor
Mrs B Thomas
Parent Governors
Mrs A Cresswell
LA Governor
Co-opted Governor
Mrs V Grapt
Mrs S Mole
Foundation governors are appointed by the Archbishop of the Diocese of Southwark and work on his behalf. Our staff governor is elected by the staff of one School and normally serves four years. A member of staff is also elected from the second School and sits as a co-opted governor. We have a parent governor from each School who are elected to serve on the governing body by the parents of their respective School and normally serve four years. One governor is nominated by our Local Authority, Lewisham. Co-opted governors are invited to join by the governing body, to add areas of expertise and to fully represent our communities. The Governing Body is responsible for many important decisions.
Foundation governors are appointed by the Archbishop of the Diocese of Southwark and work on his behalf. Our staff governor is elected by the staff of one School and normally serves four years. A member of staff is also elected from the second School and sits as a co-opted governor. We have a parent governor from each School who are elected to serve on the governing body by the parents of their respective School and normally serve four years. One governor is nominated by our Local Authority, Lewisham. Co-opted governors are invited to join by the governing body, to add areas of expertise and to fully represent our communities.
The Governing Body is responsible for many important decisions in the running of our Schools. These include:
- Appointing the Executive Headteacher and Heads of School
- Agreeing the aims of the school curriculum and ensuring the national curriculum is implemented
- Determining how the school’s budget is to be used each year
- Dealing with official complaints and exclusions
The governors are kept well informed about our Schools through a wide variety of information systems from the Schools’ own reporting to published data from the Department for Education and other external bodies. Regular meetings enable governors to both support and challenge the leadership of Aspire London. Governors keep in regular contact with the leadership of our Schools. They regularly visit the Schools and also attend a range of School functions and events.
A full list of governors is available on our website. You can contact the governing body by writing to the Chair of Governors via the School Office.
Full governing body meetings are held each half term. The agenda for the meetings includes items from the Local Authority, the Diocese, directives and initiatives from the Government and school based concerns. Parents and carers are welcome to attend our Governing Body meetings as observers. Please let us know if you wish to attend so that we know to expect you and can arrange seating.
The governing body has a number of sub committees; the Pay and Admissions committees meet annually, a Disciplinary Panel meets when required.
The dates of full governing body meetings are published in the weekly newsletter. Minutes of the meetings are available for public inspection.
All Governors annually complete a Register of Interest Form.
All correspondence to the Governors should be addressed to:
Chair of Governors
Holy Cross School,
Culverley Road,
Mr Daniel Hudson Clerk to Governors
C/0 Holy Cross School