Sports News
At Holy Cross we encourage children to take part in a wide range of sporting activities. These activities help children in so many ways, they
- Increase fitness levels
- Help to build healthy life styles
- Improve balance and coordination
- Develop skills and talents
- Foster team spirit
- Instill good sportsmanship behaviour
- Improve confidence
- Build dreams and aspirations
Our children enjoy sport in their PE lessons, playtimes, after school or lunchtime clubs and in numerous inter school tournaments throughout the year. Sport and fitness is important for our children and we are proud of the breadth of curriculum we offer them.
Mini Marathon
On Saturday 22nd April , fifteen children from Holy Cross took part in the TCS London mini marathon. It was a lovely event for them to be part of as thousands of children ran the final mile of the marathon route, past Buckingham Palace and down the Mall to the official finish where they collected their fabulous medals! They said in assembly that it was really exciting but also quite tiring! Congratulations to all those who took part and thank you to their parents for accompanying them.

Year 3 & Year 4 Rugby Festival
On Thursday 12th January 2023, twenty four of our Year 3 and Year 4 children took part in a Rugby Festival at Blackheath Rugby Club. The children learnt so much during each match. The Holy Cross team were awarded a trophy for having the best team spirit, which is an absolutely fabulous award to win! Well done to all of the children for being so brilliant!

Year 5 & Year 6 Rugby Festival
On Friday 13th January 2023, twenty four of our Year 5 & 6 children also attended a Rugby Festival. The children played brilliantly, improving their skills with each each game.
Please see the lovely message that we had from the Rugby Festival organisers:
“We would like to commend your pupils on their behaviour across both days it was a real pleasure to have them at Hervey Road. The Spirit of Rugby trophy really was a difficult decision on the Friday and the Volunteers all said that if they had a trophy for the best supporters they would have won that hands down!”
Well done to all pupils involved, what fabulous Holy Cross spirit you demonstrated!

Girls’ Football Tournament
On Wednesday, a team of 8 girls from Year 5 and 6 – went with Mrs Manning and Mr Patinson to the St Dunstan’s Lewisham Girls Football Tournament which was played at the Jubilee Ground in Catford. Thankfully, the weather was on our side and the girls played really together, gaining more confidence and showing great sportsmanship with each game they played. It was a real team effort with all the girls working hard and supporting each other. They also had great support from their families and friends so thank you to all those who came and helped cheer them on, and thank you to Mrs Manning and Mr Patinson for accompanying them.