Holy Cross Catholic Primary School


Mary Collins
Executive Headteacher
Catherine Mahoney
Head of School
Jon Foster
Assistant Head of School
Mrs L Curass

Mrs T Forde
Asst Business

Ms G Quintyn-Williams
Vice-Chair of Governors

Designated Safeguarding Leads

At Holy Cross we work extremely hard on ensuring our children are safe. Safeguarding relates to many areas, including children’s physical health and safety, mental heath issues, attendance, managing medical conditions, internet safety, bullying, dangers of radicalisation, child sexual exploitation, gang culture, FGM, neglect, sex and relationships education, road safety and British Values.

Although all staff at Holy Cross are responsible for keeping children safe, there are several members of staff. who are Designated Safeguarding Leads, also known as DSL’s.These are Miss Collins, Mrs Mahony, Mr Foster and Mrs Tullet. We also have a named Governor Ms G Quintyn-Williams, who meets with the Head of School every half term to discuss any safeguarding issues.

Holy Cross School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Enhanced DBS checks are carried out on all staff.

Data Protection

The person responsible for data protection within the Borough of Lewisham is their DPO Officer Stephen Williams and you can contact them with any questions relating to our handling of your data.  You can contact them by email: schoolsdpo@lewisham.gov.uk or by telephone on 020 8314 6212 (ext. 46212).