Year 5 & 6 Girls’ Football Tournament
On Wednesday 16th November, a team of 8 girls from Year 5 and 6 – went with Mrs Stoneham and Mrs Slattery to the St Dunstan’s Lewisham Girls Football Tournament which was played at the Jubilee Ground in Catford. The weather was awful but the girls weren’t put off at all and played really well together, gaining more confidence with each game they played. It was a real team effort with all the girls working hard and supporting each other. They also had great support from their families and friends so thank you to all those who came and helped cheer them on, and thank you to Mrs Stoneham and Mrs Slattery for accompanying them.
- Year 6 Leavers Mass
- Annual Prize Giving Awards
- Guitar Assembly
- Sports Week
- School Council to the Houses of Parliament
- Summer Party
- Reception Class Assembly
- Windrush day
- Year 4 Art Workshop
- Mini Vinnie Mass at St George’s Catherdral
- Art Week
- Road safety Assembly
- The Crowning of Mary
- Year 2 Trip to The Ragged Museum
- Year 4 Trip to The Cutty Sark
- Easter Bonnet Parade
- Stations of The Cross
- Passion Play
- Creative Stations Of The Cross 2024
- WOOFYT Workshop
- Science Day
- Oscar Romero Award
- Year 2 Class Assembly
- World Book Day
- School Journey to Kingswood
- Year 4 Class Assembly
- Smoothie Making
- Blackheath Rugby Festival
- The School’s Birthday
- Christmas Party Day